Mid-America Signature Horse Show
Canceled for 2025
Holiday Inn Crystal Lake
Or call 1-800-HOLIDAY. (1-800-465-4329).
Use: CODE ( MAH )
Book by July 3, 2024
We are looking forward to your participation in our horse show!
Every owner, exhibitor and trainer must be a current member of MAHSA. Membership forms are available on our website.​
Trainers and/or Exhibitors are solely responsible for sending in their entries and bedding orders in a timely manner. Stabling is limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Tack stalls may be limited.
Entries can be done online at HorseShowsOnline.com (click on the Mid-America Signature Show) or downloaded and mailed in.
No fax or text entries.
Add/scratch forms will be available in the horse show office and you can also utilize HorseShowsOnline.com for your changes.
LIKE Mid-America on Facebook to get TBA and class updates and show news.
Affiliations: MAHSA - A/B, ASAW - A/B, IASPHA - A/B, IHPBE&A - AA